
Sunday Apr 07, 2019
#13: Q&A - Reversals, Intuition vs. Brain, and a Surprise!
Sunday Apr 07, 2019
Sunday Apr 07, 2019
The Word Witch answers your questions with the help of Tarot Ranger (a.k.a. Aaron, a.k.a. Babe)! We field questions about right brain/left brain and the receptive/projective energies in tarot, distinguishing between intuition and opinion during readings, the tricky bits in reading for people you know, and, finally, working with reversals. This episode also contains some exciting announcements, so tune in!
Connect with Claire:
Instagram: @the.word.witch
Twitter: @WordWitchTarot
Facebook: @thewordwitchtarot
Website: thewordwitchtarot.com
Connect with Aaron:
Instagram: @tarot.ranger
If you want to support this podcast, please join us on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/thewordwitchtarot
The Word Witch is produced, written, edited, and recorded by Claire Burgess. Tech support comes from Danu Vino. Our logo is designed by Claire Burgess. Our theme music is "Counting Rice" by Bitches in the Beehive. Their album, Itty Bitty Spaces is available now on iTunes, Spotify, and elsewhere!

Friday Mar 15, 2019
#12: The Emperor, the 4's, and Cultivated Expansion
Friday Mar 15, 2019
Friday Mar 15, 2019
In this episode, Claire has a LOT to say about The Emperor, Death, and the rest of the number family of the 4’s! This is the energy of structure and stability, of systems and intelligent design, and of intentionally cultivated growth. The Emperor is an often misunderstood card, one with which many folks have a hard time connecting, so here we unpack the card’s associations with patriarchy and toxic masculinity and take a look at The Emperor’s true medicine, which has nothing to do with either.
Tarot Cards in this episode:
-The Emperor
-4 of Wands
-4 of Swords
-4 of Cups
-4 of Pentacles
If you liked this episode, please subscribe, rate, and review! It would do our hearts (and our stats) such good!
Connect with Claire:
Instagram: @the.word.witch
Twitter: @WordWitchTarot
Facebook: @thewordwitchtarot
Website: thewordwitchtarot.com
If you want to support this podcast, please join us on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/thewordwitchtarot
The Word Witch is produced, written, and recorded by Claire Burgess. Editing help and tech support come from Danu Vino. Our logo is designed by Claire Burgess. Our theme music is "Counting Rice" by Bitches in the Beehive. Their album, Itty Bitty Spaces is available now on iTunes, Spotify, and elsewhere!

Thursday Feb 28, 2019
#11: Activist Magic with David Salisbury
Thursday Feb 28, 2019
Thursday Feb 28, 2019
David Salisbury is a queer witch and professional activist who joins us today for an enlightening conversation about magic-working and activism! Our talk spans from hiding sigils in your emails to queering the God-Goddess binary, and from cultivating psychic sensitivity to owning our privilege through shadow work. David’s fourth book on witchcraft, Witchcraft Activism: A Toolkit for Magical Resistance, comes out from Weiser Books on March 1st!
But before we get to the interview, Claire takes a look at watery, intuitive Pisces, the upcoming Mercury Retrograde in Pisces, and the medicine of The Moon card this season.
If you liked this podcast, please subscribe, rate, and review! It would do our hearts (and our stats) such good!
Connect with David:
Website: https://www.daviddsalisbury.com/
Connect with Claire:
Instagram: @the.word.witch
Twitter: @WordWitchTarot
Facebook: @thewordwitchtarot
Website: thewordwitchtarot.com
If you want to support this podcast, please join us on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/thewordwitchtarot
The Word Witch is produced, written, and recorded by Claire Burgess. Editing help and tech support come from Danu Vino. Our logo is designed by Claire Burgess.
Our theme music is "Counting Rice" by Bitches in the Beehive. Their album, Itty Bitty Spaces is available now on iTunes, Spotify, and elsewhere!

Wednesday Feb 13, 2019
#10: The Empress, the 3's, and Creative Growth
Wednesday Feb 13, 2019
Wednesday Feb 13, 2019
In this episode, we get straight to an intense look at The Empress and the tarot number family of the 3’s! This is the energy of creativity, fertility, abundance, growth, and love. And it’s also the family of the 3 of Swords and The Hanged Man, two of the more, well, uncomfortable cards in the Tarot. What do the Empress and these cards have in common? Listen to find out!
Tarot Cards in this episode:
-The Empress
-The Hanged Man
-The World
-3 of Swords
-3 of Cups
-3 of Wands
-3 of Pentacles
If you liked this episode, please subscribe, rate, and review! It would do our hearts (and our stats) such good!
Connect with Claire:
Instagram: @the.word.witch
Twitter: @WordWitchTarot
Facebook: @thewordwitchtarot
Website: thewordwitchtarot.com
If you want to support this podcast, please join us on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/thewordwitchtarot
The Word Witch is produced, written, and recorded by Claire Burgess. Editing help and tech support come from Danu Vino. Our logo is designed by Claire Burgess. Our theme music is "Counting Rice" by Bitches in the Beehive. Their album, Itty Bitty Spaces is available now on iTunes, Spotify, and elsewhere!

Wednesday Jan 23, 2019
#9: The Language of Magic with Louise Novembre
Wednesday Jan 23, 2019
Wednesday Jan 23, 2019
In this episode, Louise of Novembre Tarot and Novembre Tattoo joins us for a fascinating transatlantic conversation spanning tarot, witchcraft, tattoos, archetypes, fantasy novels, sigils, activism, and more. Louise is a French artist, deck creator, tattooist, writer, and witch whose deck The Tarot of Devotion is a powerful meditation on revering the holiness within us all. But before we get to the interview, Claire takes a look at eccentric and collective Aquarius (their sun sign!), its relationship to The Star, and what we can learn from the Water Bearer this season.
If you liked this podcast, please subscribe, rate, and review! It would do our hearts (and our stats) such good!
Connect with Louise:
Instagram: @novembre-tarot
Website: www.novembre.one
Etsy Shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/louisenovembre
Connect with Claire:
Instagram: @the.word.witch
Twitter: @WordWitchTarot
Facebook: @thewordwitchtarot
Website: thewordwitchtarot.com
If you want to support this podcast, please join us on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/thewordwitchtarot
The Word Witch is produced, written, and recorded by Claire Burgess. Editing help and tech support come from Danu Vino. Our logo is designed by Claire Burgess.
Our theme music is "Counting Rice" by Bitches in the Beehive. Their album, Itty Bitty Spaces is available now on iTunes, Spotify, and elsewhere!

Wednesday Jan 09, 2019
#8: The 2's and Tarot Ethics
Wednesday Jan 09, 2019
Wednesday Jan 09, 2019
This episode continues our Tarot Number Families series with a lesson on the 2’s! The High Priestess leads this number constellation characterized by duality, receptivity, and inwardness. Claire is also joined by their official babe Aaron Caffee, who you may remember from Episode 4, for a new segment on the ethics of tarot reading! This time, Claire and Aaron share their own experience with a tarot reading gone wrong, discussing issues with timelines and free will. But before all that, Claire digs into the Capricorn-Cancer eclipse cycle that we just entered and what that has in store for your 2019. If you liked this episode, please subscribe, rate, and review! It would do our hearts (and our stats) such good!
Tarot Cards discussed in this episode:
-The High Priestess
-2 of Cups
-2 of Pentacles
-2 of Wands
-2 of Swords
Connect with Claire:
Instagram: @the.word.witch
Twitter: @WordWitchTarot
Facebook: @thewordwitchtarot
Website: thewordwitchtarot.com
Connect with Aaron:
Instagram: @tarot.ranger
If you want to support this podcast, please join us on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/thewordwitchtarot
The Word Witch is produced, written, and recorded by Claire Burgess. Editing help and tech support come from Danu Vino. Our logo is designed by Claire Burgess. Our theme music is "Counting Rice" by Bitches in the Beehive. Their album, Itty Bitty Spaces is available now on iTunes, Spotify, and elsewhere!

Wednesday Dec 26, 2018
#7: Lifting the Veil with Keon of Millennial Soul Food
Wednesday Dec 26, 2018
Wednesday Dec 26, 2018
Welcome to Capricorn season! The Sea-goat's tarot card is The Devil, so in this episode we look at the medicine that The Devil and Capricorn have to offer as we move into the new year. We also talk about setting intentions (or “resolutions,” if you must) for the new year (or not!), and we dig into the problematic messaging of the Law of Attraction. Next, it’s on to the main event: our interview with Keon of Millennial Soul Food. Keon is a tarot reader, a life/spiritual/business coach, a Capricorn Sun/Moon and Aquarius Rising, and a self-described “dystopian sci-fi Octavia Butler character.” Keon talks to us about psychoactive plant magic, hoodoo, cultural and spiritual appropriation, developing our personal connections to the divine, and hanging out in William Faulkner’s cemetery, to name a few topics within this incredible discussion.
If you liked this podcast, please subscribe, rate, and review! It would do our hearts (and our stats) such good!
Connect with Keon:
Instagram: @millennialsoulfood
Website: millennialsoulfood.com/
Connect with Claire:
Instagram: @the.word.witch
Twitter: @WordWitchTarot
Facebook: @thewordwitchtarot
Website: thewordwitchtarot.com
If you want to support this podcast, please join us on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/thewordwitchtarot
The Word Witch is produced, written, and recorded by Claire Burgess. Editing help and tech support come from Danu Vino. Our logo is designed by Claire Burgess.
Our theme music is "Counting Rice" by Bitches in the Beehive. Their album, Itty Bitty Spaces is available now on iTunes, Spotify, and elsewhere!
The Word Witch is a production of The Word Witch Tarot.

Wednesday Dec 12, 2018
#6: The 1's and the Winter Solstice
Wednesday Dec 12, 2018
Wednesday Dec 12, 2018
The Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere is coming up on December 21st, so in this episode we look at the significance of the solstice in the Wheel of the Year, and Claire gives us two ritual suggestions to harness the power of this longest of nights. We also continue our series on Tarot Number Families with the 1’s, which also happens to be the BIGGEST number family, encapsulating three Major Arcana cards and eight Minor Arcana cards, so get ready! The 1’s are the family of the grand cycle and of the evolution of the conscious Self, so this is the perfect number to discuss at this time, as the wheel turns to a new year and beginnings and endings are so much on our minds. Claire also answers a listener question about the word “femme” and reads the cards for a listener query about envy.
Tarot cards discussed in this episode:
-The Magician
-The Wheel of Fortune
-The Sun
-The Aces
-The 10’s
-The 9 of Swords
-The 6 of Swords
If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, rate, and review! It would do our hearts (and our stats) such good!
Connect with Claire:
Instagram: @the.word.witch
Twitter: @WordWitchTarot
Facebook: @thewordwitchtarot
Website: thewordwitchtarot.com
If you want to support this podcast, please join us on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/thewordwitchtarot
The Word Witch is produced, written, and recorded by Claire Burgess. Editing help and tech support come from Danu Vino. Our logo is designed by Claire Burgess.
Our theme music is "Counting Rice" by Bitches in the Beehive. Their album, Itty Bitty Spaces is available now on iTunes, Spotify, and elsewhere!
The Word Witch is a production of The Word Witch Tarot.

Wednesday Nov 28, 2018
#5: Hermit-Like Manic State with Harvey James
Wednesday Nov 28, 2018
Wednesday Nov 28, 2018
In this episode, Claire gives you the astro rundown for the next two weeks, including Mercury stationing direct and the New Moon in Sagittarius (sounds good, but it’s complicated) and then brings you their long-awaited conversation with Harvey James (they/them) of Harvey James Tarot. Claire and Harvey get cerebral about tarot, covering the archetypes, gender, representation, and what that all says about what’s “normal” (spoiler alert: there is no normal). Harvey also shares the inspiration and creative process of designing their own deck and makes a VERY EXCITING announcement. Don’t miss it!
If you liked this podcast, please subscribe, rate, and review! It would do our hearts (and our stats) such good!
Connect with Harvey James:
Instagram: @hjtarot
Website: harveyjamestarot.com
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/hjtarot
Connect with Claire:
Instagram: @the.word.witch
Twitter: @WordWitchTarot
Facebook: @thewordwitchtarot
Website: thewordwitchtarot.com
If you want to support this podcast, please join us on Patreon for as little as $1/month! https://www.patreon.com/thewordwitchtarot
The Word Witch is produced, written, and recorded by Claire Burgess. Editing help and tech support come from Danu Vino. Our logo is designed by Claire Burgess.
Our theme music is "Counting Rice" by Bitches in the Beehive. Their album, Itty Bitty Spaces is available now on iTunes, Spotify, and elsewhere!
The Word Witch is a production of The Word Witch Tarot.

Monday Nov 19, 2018
Monday Nov 19, 2018
In this special bonus episode for Transgender Awareness Week (Nov. 12-19), Claire (they/she) has a conversation with their partner Aaron Caffee (he/him) about his experience as a transgender man, and talks to Harvey James (they/them) of Harvey James Tarot about their magickal work with transgender ancestors (or “transcestors,” if you will). Claire also shares their own experience as a nonbinary person in a binary world, and we hear messages from trans and gender-nonconforming (GNC) listeners on what they want their trans/GNC siblings and cis allies to know this week.
Thank you to everyone who was part of making this episode, which includes all the transgender and genderqueer folx who inspire us every day. You are each proof of the expansiveness and endurance of spirit.
If you liked this podcast, please subscribe, rate, and review! It would do our hearts (and our stats) such good!
Vocabulary: https://www.glaad.org/reference/transgender
Transgender Awareness Week info: https://www.glaad.org/transweek
Transgender Day of Remembrance: http://tdor.info
Connect with Aaron Caffee:
Instagram: @tarot.ranger
Connect with Harvey James:
Instagram: @hjtarot
Website: harveyjamestarot.com
Connect with Claire:
Instagram: @the.word.witch
Twitter: @WordWitchTarot
Facebook: @thewordwitchtarot
Website: thewordwitchtarot.com
If you want to support this podcast, please join us on Patreon for as little as $1/month! https://www.patreon.com/thewordwitchtarot
The Word Witch is produced, written, and recorded by Claire Burgess. Editing help and tech support come from Danu Vino. Our logo is designed by Claire Burgess.
Our theme music is "Counting Rice" by Bitches in the Beehive. Their album, Itty Bitty Spaces is available now on iTunes, Spotify, and elsewhere!
The Word Witch is a production of The Word Witch Tarot.